
How to Make Love to Negro Stud Lovers without Getting Tired Erotic_Romance, #2【電子書籍】[ Melissa Kandy Belle ]





<p>Tiffani is not any 'Little Third.' She will become a homewrecker at the right time. For many years, she fought to remain an independent rich woman. She did not want to be a kept woman. She turned down the various offers and presents sent by many super rich Chinese businessmen who were married. She did not want to fall in the traps of the mistress dispellers hired by angry wives who had too much to lose. It was before she figured that when the price is right, all things are possible. Realizing that China has become a country that has an escalating divorce rate, she figured out that she'd better get involved in that growing industry. Wives needed help to rescue their unions. They needed all assistance in keeping their husbands at home. They had to fight against the readily available mistresses. Tiffani will use her huge network and experience to help wives save their weddings. As for the wives who can't have their husbands back, she had another plan for them. She was ready to take them on a trip where they can rebuild their self-esteem.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:700円
  • レビュー件数:0件
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