
Sinful Discipline: Victorian BDSM Mega-Bundle【電子書籍】[ Anna Austin ]





<p>Nine filthy tales of Victorian lust, depravity and desire. Beneath the veneer of civility and etiquette, the raging passions of the Victorian age flow deep. Each story in this mega-bundle tells of a young woman dominated and despoiled, but ultimately embracing the dark side of her soul, and embracing her sinful discipline.</p> <p>~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~</p> <p>The memories of that terrible day are forever branded onto my mind. My father had summoned me to his study. I had expected him to give me a gift or some other pleasant surprise for my birthday. But as soon as I laid eyes on him, I knew something was amiss. He was ashen faced and evasive, unable to look me in the eyes. Then he told me the horrible truth.</p> <p>“Sophia, you are to be married,” he told me, his usually confident voice reduced to a guilty whisper. “It is all arranged.”</p> <p>Naturally, I was taken aback. “Married? But to whom Papa? I do not have a fianc?, nor have any gentlemen pressed their suit. Surely you are joking?” I could see plainly that he was not, but still nurtured a hope that he was simply playing some kind of cruel trick on me.</p> <p>He shook his head. “I would not joke about such a thing. Like I said, it is all arranged. The contract has been drawn up, the banns displayed. The wedding will take place one week from today.”</p> <p>I gaped at him aghast, entirely lost for words. After a few moments I composed myself and managed to croak.</p> <p>“But to whom?”</p> <p>He looked me in the eyes, and I could tell from the pain and grief in his expression that his answer would not please me.</p> <p>“Lord Morgan. Lord Sebastian Morgan.”</p> <p>I felt dizzy; my head began to spin and I almost fainted. Surely this couldn’t be true? Perhaps I was dreaming, and all of this was a nightmare? Any moment now I would awake and return to a more pleasant reality.</p> <p>But this was not a dream. I was very much awake, and this was very real.</p> <p>“But Papa, how?” I cried in anguish. “I hardly know the man. We’ve never even been introduced. How can I marry a man who hasn’t even proposed to me? How can I marry a man who I’m not in love with? A man with such a cruel and wicked reputation?”</p> <p>Mt father smiled bitterly, tears in his eyes.</p> <p>“Love? I’m sorry to disappoint you Sophia, but not everyone can marry for love. Some marriages are born of practicality. Some of ambition. Love often does not enter into it at all.”</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:1,107円
  • レビュー件数:0件
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